Competition Rules
Please follow the link below to view the most up to date IMCF Competition Rules
What does it mean to be a Marshal?

Being a marshal implies much more than just knowing the rules and wearing yellow, we must always be aware that part of the safety and well-being of the fighters lies in our hands.
Good judgment and impartiality are basic aspects that we must always keep in mind to ensure that each of the fighters receives the same treatment, without preferences and/or conveniences, always remember, when you wear yellow, you have no nationality other than the “marshal nationality”.
One of the most important aspects is the treatment we must have towards the fighters, as marshals, we must be very clear about the difference between being approachable, being permissive and demonstrate authority. We must always be willing to talk to the fighters to answer their questions, clarify situations, and provide them with the information they need, but this does not imply that we should be permissive, since a fundamental part of our job is to ensure that rules and regulations are properly enforced.
Considering the above and independently of it, by being a marshal we become the authority, so we must also behave as such, not taking advantage of it, but taking a position that demonstrates it. We may have brothers, sisters, partners, friends that will probably be fighting within the same tournament were marshaling at, but no matter what, we must always be firm and unbiased in our decisions, consider that we do not play our role to please everyone and always ensure that decisions are as fair as possible.
Last but not least, all the marshals are part of the same team, new or experienced, we all support each other and look after each other.
Are you interested in becoming an IMCF Certified Marshal? Complete application link below
For any question about the rules or becoming a marshal
Contact us at [email protected]